Peristaltic Pumps
The WA Grouting Systems industrial peristaltic hose pumps are designed for use across a diverse range of industries.
The WAGS MS series are specifically designed for the mining and civil industries for pumping Bentonite, mud, sediment, mortar , concrete and many other abrasive and corrosive fluids.

Operating Principle
Two or three rotating rollers gradually compress a tube forcing liquid through the tube just ahead of each roller. The tube then snaps back to its original shape after the rollers pass so it can fill with more liquid again.
- No seals
- No valves
- Self priming
- Can run dry
- Will genuinely pump aggregate up to 10 – 15mm
- The MS series are suitable for pumping medium volumes
- Flow rates 3,000 L/H – 18,000 L/H
- Pressure 8 – 15 bar
- Internal tube diameters of 40 – 55 – 60mm
- Single or double head